08 April 2011

SarawakReport.org or SarawakReportS.org ??

I believe most of Sarawakian heard about SarawakReport, or even read from www.sarawakreport.org:

SarawakReport.org is basically a site specifically reporting news from Sarawak, without any control from Malaysia/Sarawak government. So, what we can see from the site is truly unfiltered news, without any bias to any parties.

Since it is reporting the true news, which would be something bad about Sarawak government (which is the truth), as a fight back from Taib Gang (Sarawak government), they are creating this website called SarawakReportS.org which is intended to confuse and hide the real SarawakReport.org and reporting all the news biasing on BN. This is the homepage:

They even use Google AdWords to advertise the site for the keyword "Sarawak Report":

So, for all Sarawakian, please read from the genuine www.SarawakReport.org, and don't fall for Taib's trick on www.SarawakReportS.org..

You can read on about this the Google AdWords stuff reported at SarawakReport here: http://election.sarawakreport.org/report/paying-publicity

1 comment:

  1. more info about the Alexa comparison on the real and fake SarawakReport:
